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Version: 1.1.0

CodeVista FAQs

Installation and Setup

  1. What are the system requirements for running CodeVista?
    • Minimum Visual Studio Code version: 1.75.0 (Recommended: Latest version)
    • Device must be connected to FPT Software's internal networks (Ethernet, VDI, or FPT Software WiFi)
    • email account for login
  2. How do I install the CodeVista extension in Visual Studio Code?
    • Launch Visual Studio Code
    • Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X)
    • Search for "CodeVista" and install the extension from AIC
  3. I'm having trouble logging in with my account. What should I do?
    • Ensure you're using a valid email account
    • Check your internet connection and ensure you're connected to FPT Software's internal networks
    • Try restarting Visual Studio Code and the CodeVista extension


Does CodeVista train on my code?

NO! CodeVista will not train on your company’s data.

Our third-party and in-house Language Model (LLM) providers do not train on your specific codebase.CodeVista operates by following a specific process to generate answers to your queries:

  • User query: A user asks a question.
  • Code retrieval: CodeVista intelligence platform performs a search and code intelligence operation to retrieve code snippets relevant to the user's question. During this process, strict permissions are enforced to ensure that only code that the user has read permission for is retrieved
  • Prompt to Language Model: CodeVista sends a prompt, and the code snippets are retrieved to a Language Model (LLM). This prompt provides the context for the LLM to generate a meaningful response.
  • PII and sensitive information protection: Before any prompt is sent to LLM for processing, CodeVista will apply data masking to protect sensitive information (such as user's phone number, password, API keys, etc) if any.
  • Response to user: The response generated by the LLM is then sent back to CodeVista and presented to the user

This process ensures that Cody can provide helpful answers to your questions while respecting data privacy and security by not training on or retaining your specific code.

Usage and Features

1. How do I access the available features and commands in CodeVista?

  • Type "/" in the prompt input box to see a list of predefined actions
  • Type "@" to reference code snippets, files, classes, or functions

2. How can I provide additional code context to CodeVista?

  • Use the "Code Context" tab to upload relevant files, classes, and functions
  • Reference uploaded code using @file:fileName@function:functionName, or @class:className

3. What are the input length limits for different AI models in CodeVista?

  • GPT-3.5 4K: 1500 tokens
  • GPT-3.5 16K, LLaMA 2: 7500 tokens
  • GPT-4, Google Codey, Google Gemini: 15500 tokens
  1. How do I use the Web Search feature in CodeVista?

    • Use /web-search to trigger the "Search Before" functionality
    • Click the magnifying glass icon 🔎 to trigger the "Search After" functionality
  2. I'm not seeing any suggested prompts after CodeVista's responses. Why?

    • The suggested prompts feature relies on CodeVista's ability to generate relevant suggestions based on the context
    • In some cases, no relevant suggestions can be generated, and the area will be empty
  3. What programming languages does CodeVista support?

    CodeVista supports a wide range of programming languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Java, C/C++, C#, Ruby, Go, SQL, Swift, Objective-C, Perl, Rust, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, R, MATLAB, Dart, Lua, Julia, COBOL, and shell scripting languages (like Bash, PowerShell).

    CodeVista's response quality on a programming language depends on several factors, including the underlying language model being used. The AIC team monitors accuracy metrics across all supported languages and regularly makes improvements.

    If you're experiencing poor response quality for a particular programming language, please let the AIC team know so we can investigate and address the issue.

Limitations and Troubleshooting

1. Why am I getting an error message when trying to submit a prompt?

  • Check if you've exceeded your daily request quota
  • Ensure your prompt is related to IT, coding, or computer science (other requests are declined)
  • Avoid duplicate prompts, as they will be declined

2. What should I do if CodeVista's response seems incomplete or incorrect?

  • Try rephrasing your prompt or providing more context
  • Use the Web Search feature to cross-check the information
  • Review the provided code or suggestions carefully before implementing them
  1. I'm experiencing performance issues or long response times. What could be causing this?
    • Check your internet connection and network stability
    • Excessive use of the Web Search feature can impact performance
    • Long processing times may occur for certain operations like "Search Before"
  2. How can I report a bug or request a new feature for CodeVista?
    • Contact the AIC support team or follow the designated bug reporting process
    • Provide detailed information about the issue or feature request

Remember, CodeVista is currently in an early version, and some features or functionalities may have limitations or known issues. If you encounter any problems not covered in these FAQs, please consult the official CodeVista documentation or reach out to the AIC support team for assistance.