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Version: 1.4.0

Inline Chat

CodeVista offers an inline chat feature that allows users to directly ask questions about their code within the coding file. To use CodeVista's inline chat feature on intelliJ, please follow these instructions:

Start an Inline Chat

Users can initiate an inline chat by

  • Opening a coding file.
  • Right-click → Select CodeVista → Inline Chat.

Command list.png

  • Type your coding query into the CodeVista Inline Chat window.

  • CodeVista will instantly respond to your query after you hit send button:

Command list.png

The inline chat feature allows users to ask questions about various code snippet within the same coding file. Users can close or remove individual or multiple chat windows by clicking the icon positioned in the top right corner of each chat window. Refer to the image below:

Command list.png

From left to right, the icons represent:

  • Remove Inline Chat
  • Collapse all Inline Chat
  • Collapse current Inline Chat

Currently, with the CodeVista extension on intelliJ, users can open an inline chat window directly within their coding files.