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Action Commands

CodeVista Predefined Actions User Guide

CodeVista provides a set of predefined actions that allow you to perform common coding tasks or trigger specific functionalities with a single command. To access these predefined actions, follow these steps:

1. Accessing Predefined Actions

  • In the prompt input box, type the forward-slash character /.This will display a list of available predefined actions that you can use.


    Image: Action commands

2. Predefined Actions List

Predefined Action NameExampleDescription
/explain/explain @selected_code  Ask CodeVista to explain the provided code snippet or concept.
/fix/fix This code is throwing an error: @selected_code Ask CodeVista to identify and fix the problem in the provided code that is throwing an error.
/web_search/web_search @selected_code Perform a web search on the internet for the provided code snippet.

Tips: You can chain a Code Target with a Predefined Action to quickly perform an action on a code snippet

Example: **/fix** This code is throwing an error: [paste error and code here]